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Detergent Powder
BMC Group

Detergent powders are a popular choice for consumers in Bangladesh as they offer effective cleaning performance at an affordable price. At BMC Group, we are proud to offer the best detergent powder in the country. Our detergent powder is specially formulated to remove tough stains and leave clothes looking and smelling fresh. It is gentle on clothes and does not damage the fabric, making it a popular choice for consumers across the country.

Our detergents are made using high-quality ingredients that are safe for the environment and gentle on the skin making them the best detergent powders in Bangladesh. We understand the importance of providing a product that is not only effective but also safe for our customers. In addition to our standard detergent powders, we also offer an antibacterial detergent powder that is specially formulated to kill germs and bacteria on clothing and other fabrics. This is an important feature for households with children, elderly or individuals with a weak immune system. Our antibacterial detergent powder offers an added layer of protection and peace of mind for our customers. Our washing powders are suitable for both top-loading and front-loading washing machines, making it a versatile choice for households across the country. Try our detergents today and experience the difference in cleaning performance and quality!

BMC Group